Day 26: I can open a restaurant...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
And JUST when I thought this weight loss challenge would have no more surprises to offer...BAMMM...I was almost knocked unconscious by their e-mail just minutes ago.

First of all... weight loss percentages are in!! Up until now I've lost 7% of my total weight...
I don't know what that should mean for what the challenge is concerned, but to me it means something like "hmmmm, progress Sy!"
I have no idea how they count those, and I was never good with numbers save me that trip around the block. Only thing I know is that it's got to do with the body weight, the Body Mass Index (BMI), the fat percentage and the fat millimeters... From there....BLANK!!

But anyways...7% and still three weigh in to go....

With those results I also received diet # 2...
Oh Loooooorrddd....I stood there like a block of concrete as I read it! LOL.
It all went something like this...
I opened the mail on my BlackBerry while on the phone with a lady from court. Suddenly I chuckled out loud, excused myself to the lady on the phone, opened my eyed wide, nodded and exclaimed "WHAAAAT?!?!?" (Without actually saying it out loud of course).
My new diet contains steak, steak, steak and more frigging steak. Yup...five times a day STEAK! Starting from 6am.
Lol What the..?

Uhm...I read the mail yet a couple of times after that first reaction. And I even opened it on my computer to be sure... And yes...that's what there is on my menu now...STEAK!!!!

I Steak with sweet potatoes at 6am? I have never in my live eaten such a thing as breakfast before! whahaha...Goshhh...

Now I'm stuck with two dozen eggs, a sealed bag of boneless chicken thighs, baby food... (pfff) Anybody want to buy them from me???

I'm literally out of words to say now...
But steak it is!!!

Bon appetite for me these two coming weeks...

On another quick note, I got a knee support from my doc today since my knee has been acting up in training lately.
And I'm altogether hoping these last two weeks go by fast enough, 'cause I'm getting worn- out, tired, exhausted and a bunch of other things I don't even find the words to describe.

But okay,
Commitment is commitment! I'm going to push on, until April 4th. After that, we'll see what happens to the remaining excess body weight.

Almost time for me to head home. Lemme go wrap up.
I'll keep you guys posted!

Totally Flabbergasted,



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