We all know it! The color red on a woman usually symbolizes sexiness, confidence, energy or...you name it...
A woman wrote on her blog "hmm I'm feeling confident and I want to be noticed today; a red dress it's gonna be!" And her blog says that the color suggests a more outgoing person and that the person who wears red is trying to draw more attention to themselves.
All of which is basically true. It has been proven scientifically that the color red increases our enthusiasm, stimulates energy and can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat and pulse, encourages action and confidence, provides a sense of protection from fears and anxieties. So, theoretically...the above IS true. But than again, the following discovery basically also is...
A well known blog published recently an article about a psychologic study that has been conducted at the University of South Brittany in France on 120 men; researching their reaction on women wearing different colors of clothing (blue, white. red and green to name a few).
They were asked to rate the attractiveness of these women on a scale of 1 to 9 and also were they asked to rate how likely they thought the probability was that the woman would sleep with them on the first date (based only on the womans appearance).
And as you can already imagine, red rated higher as the most attractive color on women (followed by white, blue and green) and also the women wearing red rated higher as being those most likely to go to bed with a man on the first date (followed by blue, green and lastly white).
Well, if indeed red has an effect on the respiration, heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure...these results might as well be true in some way.... or not?
The psychologists then concluded that a men would most likely ask intimate questions of the woman wearing red on a date and also sit closer to her. And also a female hitch hiker wearing a red blouse would most likely get a ride from a man than from a fellow female.
So these French Psychologists state that their studies show clearly that the color red is connected to lust, romantic love and the female fertility between a man and a woman
Interestingly enough I came across a similar research that was conducted in 2008 in two universities of Rochester. In this case the men were shown the very same woman wearing different colored blouses and/or with a different frame color for the picture.
They were asked several questions among which the attractiveness of the woman and how much money they would be willing to spend on the person if going to a date with her with $100 in their pockets.
Again...the same results... When the woman wore red (or when even just her photo was framed in red), the men found her to be prettier, sexually more desirable and were willing to treat her to a more expensive outing.
In both studies they linked this reaction with the men's primal instinct; saying it to the be the same reaction as baboons, macaques and chimpanzees have towards the females of their specie. They say that the female's perineum of these animals actually reddens conspicuously when nearing ovulation so to send a clear sexual signal to the males of their specie. So, they said, this reaction in human males might be connected to their "wild" side.
But they also say it might be cultural. Red roses, hearts, lingerie, Valentine's Day... all linked to romanticism.
It is also important to mention that one of these studies explains that this red effect extends only to (heterosexual) males (homosexuals and men with red-green color blindness were not used in the research). And also, that men are really unaware of the role of color play in their attraction.
Red did not increase the attractiveness level from females rating other females. And the high rating of a men to a woman wearing red had nothing to do with the woman's intelligence, likability, competitiveness, personality or kindness; it's plain sexual.
So both studies state that the attractiveness factor of the color red on a female to a male is actually nothing more than the sexual edge the color adds to the woman. And there are plenty of other researches that send out the same information about women wearing the color red. It does, whether subtly or out loud, send out some type of "take me to bed easily" card beside signaling just the hotness & attractiveness in a woman.
Now does this information change the way we (women) will use the color in the future? (To our advantage maybe?)
I say do the test for yourself! Wear the color and rate the reactions you get...
And if you have any (not all too personal) experience with the effect of this, please let us know!
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