Weigh in nr. 3 brothah...
I was waiting on the fat percentage results before posting. But it seems as thou I won't be getting those today...
So I decided to give you the scoop as I now have it.
I'll be short thou, my lovebugs...sorry for that, but I have a workshop to give this coming week (again). And seeing the crammed schedules of these past weeks, I'd better work in advance. Otherwise I might as well not get anything done in time.
Anyways back on topic.
Today was weigh in again, and I did one of the silliest dances ever seen on Fort Nassau!!! (AHA!! we did Fort Nassau again. I hate that hill with deep fervor).
But, I've lost another 3Kgs this past weeks (Grins widely and does another silly move). Isn't that reason enough to crazily dance around? YES, IT ISSS...!!!
This brings me to a total of 7,5Kgs in 3 weeks. It's been purely hard work, deprivations, sweats, a diet that's finally yucking me out, protests, muscle pain and even tears of anger at some point. But as you see...benefits are showing up!
Thou the weight in Kgs isn't important for this challenge, I'm surely proud of myself. All the efforts are surely paying off in the end.
I'll have to write another post as soon as I know the results in fat percentage...
But as for now... a PowerPoint presentation awaits to be made for next weeks' workshop. Tonight it's early to bed again. For tomorrow morning it's 7 o'clock in Banda Bou for some water aerobics. (Yeayyyy!!)
So, see ya around loveroos!
March 18, 2012 at 9:05 AM
Keep it going Sy :P
March 18, 2012 at 11:10 PM
It sure is, Mr. Mendoza! Thank you for the encouragement.
Pisito!!!Thank you too,schat! Sure I'll keep on going. It's all the way this time...
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